Qasa Solar Power Generator SPG-500w


Never be caught in the dark again! Introducing the Qasa Solar Power Generator SPG-500, your all-in-one solution for clean, portable power. Enjoy hours of backup electricity for lights, appliances, even medical equipment – all powered by the sun. Say goodbye to noisy generators and hello to sustainable, silent energy freedom.


Say goodbye to unreliable power and hello to clean, sustainable energy with the Qasa Solar Power Generator SPG-500. This portable powerhouse packs a punch, delivering 300W of pure sine wave power to keep your essentials running, anytime, anywhere.

Imagine this:

  • Blackouts become a distant memory. The SPG-500 acts as your backup battery, seamlessly switching to solar power when the grid goes down. Keep your lights on, your devices charged, and your life uninterrupted.
  • Power your adventures off the grid. Whether you’re camping, tailgating, or exploring remote areas, the SPG-500 provides clean, reliable energy for all your needs. Run lights, appliances, and even medical equipment with ease.
  • Go green and save money. Harness the power of the sun to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and lower your electricity bills. The SPG-500 is an investment in your future and the planet.

Product Benefits

  • Freedom from the Grid: Never be at the mercy of power outages again. Generate your own clean electricity with the Qasa SPG-500, perfect for off-grid living, camping, emergencies, or simply reducing your reliance on traditional power sources.
  • Portable Powerhouse: Weighing just 35kg, the SPG-500 is surprisingly lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport and use anywhere. Enjoy the power of the sun at home, on the go, or at remote locations.
  • Pure Sine Wave Output: Power sensitive electronics with confidence. The SPG-500’s pure sine wave inverter ensures smooth, reliable operation for laptops, TVs, medical equipment, and more.
  • Multiple Charging Options: Recharge the SPG-500 using the included 100W solar panel, AC power, or even your car battery. Stay powered up, no matter your situation.
  • Long-lasting Battery: Equipped with a 70Ah gel battery, the SPG-500 provides ample power for extended use. Keep your devices running for hours on a single charge.
  • Safe and Reliable: Built with advanced safety features like overcharge and over-discharge protection, the SPG-500 gives you peace of mind while enjoying clean energy.

What can the Qasa Solar Power Generator SPG-500 power?

  • Lights: Enjoy bright illumination for up to 30 hours on a single charge.
  • TV and entertainment: Catch your favorite shows or movies for up to 6 hours.
  • Laptops and devices: Stay connected and productive with up to 15 hours of power.
  • Small appliances: Blend smoothies, power a fan, or even cook a small meal with ease.
  • Medical equipment: Ensure critical devices stay powered during emergencies.

How long does the Qasa Solar Power Generator SPG-500 last?

The QPG-500’s run time depends on the power draw of your devices. Here’s a general idea:

  • 100W load: Up to 7 hours
  • 200W load: Up to 3.4 hours
  • 300W load: Up to 1.7 hours

Additional Features:

  • Pure sine wave inverter: Safe for even sensitive electronics.
  • Portable and lightweight: Take it wherever you go.
  • Multiple charging options: Recharge with solar panels, AC power, or even your car.
  • Durable and reliable: Built to last for years of dependable use.

Ready to experience the freedom of solar power? Order your Qasa Solar Power Generator SPG-500 today and unlock a world of possibilities!


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